Recent content by Cameron

  1. Cameron

    What anime subscriptions do you have?

    It's interesting that we have certain streaming platforms that are totally exclusive to the anime niche, so I'm curious what anime services is everyone subscribed to on here? I'm sure some people have different (sometimes unethical) methods of obtaining content by downloading them, but I...
  2. Cameron

    Longest Time Binge Watching?

    These days, we all spend way too much watching our favorite movies and TV shows on all of the different streaming platforms. Anime is no exception. When we have the ability to access content whenever we want to, sometimes we go overboard. Anyways, what is the longest amount of time that you have...
  3. Cameron

    Next Manga Award

    Does anyone pay attention to the recipient of the Next Manga Award each year? I don't know if you've ever heard of this award, but they tend to give it to what fans consider the big new manga that has arrived. You can look back and see previous winners, like My Hero Academia. It won the award in...
  4. Cameron

    Overpowered PCs

    Has anyone heard of Overpowered PCs? While the brand name isn't well known, this is a legitimate gaming computer brand. They strive to offer very affordable gaming PCs with great specs. This brand is exclusively available at Walmart. Is anyone familiar with Overpowered? How do you feel about it?
  5. Cameron

    Spotify Playlist Recommendations

    For starters, if you are not using Spotify, you definitely need to be. It's the best. I've been paying for a premium subscription with Spotify for over five years, and I don't ever see myself cancelling it. For those of us who utilize Spotify, does anyone have any specific Spotify playlists...
  6. Cameron

    The Sims 5

    Hi, I'm sure we've all heard of The Sims. It is an extremely popular video game series, especially on the PC. The Sims has been around for many years, and there's no doubt that you've been exposed to it at some point in time. Their most recent release was The Sims 4, which has been around for...
  7. Cameron

    Hey guys

    Hey guys, my name is Cameron, and I am a 23 year old based in Nashville, TN. It's great to be here! Hope everyone is staying safe out there with what's going on in the world.