Would you rather buy manga or anime?


V.I.P. Member
If someone gave you a budget and placed you in an otaku shop filled with anime DVDs and manga series, would you spend your budget on anime or on manga?
Well, I think I would go for manga first and then anime second. But that's because I prefer reading as opposed to watching. But like Empire said, it also depends on the budget or how much money you have going into the store in the first place.
What if manga got like 366 chapters and anime got only 10 episodes?
I am thinking of getting some manga for cheap. Anyone know any website which sell it for cheap?
For me I would say whatever my mood was at the time and whatever was in my budget or if I found a really good sale.
i agree with that
i like manga too only because not many manga can have anime and it's expensive to get anime adaptation.