Would you give your kids name from anime/manga character?

Not that I'm planning to have kids, but no, unless the mother is Japanese decedent in which case it could be a coincidence, but if there's no Japanese related familiar or something like that, is just not good for a kid XD
JdR2V said:
Not that I'm planning to have kids, but no, unless the mother is Japanese decedent in which case it could be a coincidence, but if there's no Japanese related familiar or something like that, is just not good for a kid XD

You can use the universal ones like Freeza or Ryuk
Silver_Fox said:
You can use the universal ones like Freeza or Ryuk
Oh boy, if i see a kid name Freeza i'll cringe on the parents so hard XD I mean, Goku i get it, but Freeza, really?.............well, unless is one of those bad behave kids that's like a little dictator, then yes, the name will suit it XD
JdR2V said:
Oh boy, if i see a kid name Freeza i'll cringe on the parents so hard XD I mean, Goku i get it, but Freeza, really?.............well, unless is one of those bad behave kids that's like a little dictator, then yes, the name will suit it XD

Sometimes people are weird, who knows haha..
Blackangel said:
isn't it korean name?
it's a manhwa and i don't think they would use french names like ewon, and mookyul and sangtae

Sometimes people doesn't care haha.. i've heard Indonesian naming their kid Zidane and Vava
Silver_Fox said:
Sometimes people doesn't care haha.. i've heard Indonesian naming their kid Zidane and Vava
who are they?
i don't recognize those anime characters and i know many anime names
Blackangel said:
who are they?
i don't recognize those anime characters and i know many anime names

They are football player. Zidane is from France (Algeria descent) and Vava is from Brazil
Silver_Fox said:
They are football player. Zidane is from France (Algeria descent) and Vava is from Brazil
those aren't the anime characters.
i thought they named them after the anime characters. but this is crazy too
I'd like to, depending on what my wife at the time may like as well. There are a lot of unique names out there.
Demon_skeith said:
I'd like to, depending on what my wife at the time may like as well. There are a lot of unique names out there.

Haha.. hell yea, Freeza

Lucifer said:
I wouldn't do that man.
I know people who like it but I am not one of them

Most people said No so yes i can understand