Which monster design looks tougher to you?

CryingClown said:
The ones in Pokemon or Digimon?

lol both of them look the same to me
and i think somehow they can be the same but mirror copies of digital world and poke world lol
Demon_skeith said:
Digimon, Pokemon lost my vote the moment it started to use ice cream.

Lol that's hilarious

gemxtria said:
Digimon in my opinion, they've always just looked cooler on the higher forms

Their original forms also cool, isn't that the main monster looks like a dino..
Blackangel said:
that's certainly true
but what about the evolution in pokemon? they morph too
Ah it's just not the same. Pokemon don't change too much. Digimon get guns and stuff haha!
gemxtria said:
Ah it's just not the same. Pokemon don't change too much. Digimon get guns and stuff haha!

lol but they get power
if it's a psychic pokemon then it can be very very scary lol
Blackangel said:
lol but they get power
if it's a psychic pokemon then it can be very very scary lol
That's true. I just think Digimon look a lot cooler an i like the idea they can change back to their original form
gemxtria said:
That's true. I just think Digimon look a lot cooler an i like the idea they can change back to their original form

i only remember the very digimon stories
like digimon frontier and digimon tamers lol do you remember them?
Blackangel said:
i only remember the very digimon stories
like digimon frontier and digimon tamers lol do you remember them?
A little. I want to rewatch the new one. The remake
gemxtria said:
A little. I want to rewatch the new one. The remake

those stories are pretty much independent right?
and i think i need to watch all of them again to remember all the stories.
Blackangel said:
those stories are pretty much independent right?
and i think i need to watch all of them again to remember all the stories.
I think so. Same idea obv. I just know the first series has a remake that i need to watch. It's supposed to be really good
gemxtria said:
I think so. Same idea obv. I just know the first series has a remake that i need to watch. It's supposed to be really good

that's cool
if it's very good let me know about it as well. i would want to watch it