What type of animation do you think it's the hardest to make?


Staff member
So do you have something in your mind?

Any CGI anime or is it any other animation according to you? If so, do share it with us here
Hm.. maybe something like Macross. There is 3D visual combined with fast airplane fight. Well i actually don't have any clue about this Haha..
Grey_Fox said:
Hm.. maybe something like Macross. There is 3D visual combined with fast airplane fight. Well i actually don't have any clue about this Haha..

I see
I believe something like Skin, god eater will be hard to make. I can't say that for certain though
Grey_Fox said:
Oh.. why is that? Are they pretty detailed? Or Lot of 3D?

They are detailed
And yes they have that 3D feeling as well. Do watch them and God eater is a great anime
Star_Of_Hope said:
I see
I believe something like Skin, god eater will be hard to make. I can't say that for certain though
What is this Skin anime Star?
I have never heard of that one before.
Star_Of_Hope said:
They are detailed
And yes they have that 3D feeling as well. Do watch them and God eater is a great anime

I've heard that before but i never pay too much attention as that time i still busy with work
I know CGI is supposed to make animating easier, though the hardest would be cell drawn animes.