What is the silliest name of signature move you've heard so far?


In Saint Saiya Lost Canvas there is Hades Spectre name Stand the Deadly Beetle, he got signature move called 'Stand by Me' haha.. what a silly name
That's a weird signature name for sure.
Well, Zoro's attack names are rather funny too like Onigiri, which is rice ball in Japanese
Star_Of_Hope said:
That's a weird signature name for sure.
Well, Zoro's attack names are rather funny too like Onigiri, which is rice ball in Japanese

Haha.. that's a weird and rare name indeed but maybe there is different meaning, i mean.. Oni is demon right? Maybe there is something about it
Poseidon said:
Haha.. that's a weird and rare name indeed but maybe there is different meaning, i mean.. Oni is demon right? Maybe there is something about it

Probably that could the case too.
Ichi gorilla, ni gorilla are silly names and judging by that naming sense, I highly doubt there is any decent explanation for that name.
Demon_skeith said:
One punch man's Consecutive Normal Punch. I mean, its just many simple punches.

That's a silly name man.
They should have come up with a better attack name but it's a gag anime and you can't expect anything much