what is the post count required to join role play?


Well-known member
i am new and i don't have many posts, so what is the post count required to join this thing?
is the role play on a break?
i don't see any recent posts or battles in this section.
There is no post count requirement for joining the role play.
First you decide whether you want to be a pirate or a marine, then you can start your own crew or join some other crew. 
Feel free to join us, the Sliver Wing Pirates =) 

There have been no recent wars because it is kinda hard to decide on a time and date. We are all from different countries and choosing a time that is agreeable to everyone is tough. Also, there is only one active pirate crew. Even though we want to fight, we can't attack the marines or be the first ones to declare a war. We have to wait until the marines challenge us  :toomad1:

theieves going after police, isn't the correct way my lady xD
so you will have to deal with that.

as for you bro xD
you need a group promotion to participate. so post 500 posts or give me all your bounty to participate in the role play. :evilgrin:
Sebastian said:
theieves going after police, isn't the correct way my lady xD
so you will have to deal with that.

as for you bro xD
you need a group promotion to participate. so post 500 posts or give me all your bounty to participate in the role play. :evilgrin:

There are time when the hunter becomes the hunted :evil2:

Stop confusing our new members >:(
Shaurya said:
There are time when the hunter becomes the hunted :evil2:

Stop confusing our new members >:(

those are just sayings my lady xD
they are not applicable for real life scenarios xD
am i confusing them?

Forget the rules. You're pirates! Just attack the marines when they least expect it. :shutupnow:
alakazam said:
Forget the rules. You're pirates! Just attack the marines when they least expect it. :shutupnow:

they can't do that xD
why don't you join us alakazam? @NightBaron , will be glad to take you in :3
alakazam said:
Forget the rules. You're pirates! Just attack the marines when they least expect it. :shutupnow:

But..but..we are not allowed to do that :dying1: