What do you think of my signature?


Staff member
@Ace made this signature for me and it's really cool. Thank you for giving me such a cool signature ace :D
I will be using this signature form now on.
So, what do you guys think of my current signature? :D
Testaccount said:
Why don't you add a signature too?
it might look good for the account

mhmm i dnt think i need one lol besides i wouldn't know what to put
FruitsPunchSamurai said:
I like it too. Good work <3

Is that from some anime?

actually this is an anime but it's more of a poster of one if i can find the source of the picture i will link it here if you ever want to check it out
I like it! Nice colors you picked. My only suggestion would be to make it a bit bigger in your signature box area if you can.