Thoughts on people comparing Korean Dramas and Anime


Staff member
Some of the detective Korean drama like Voice, Chaser, Prison playbook, He is psychometricberc., are good.
Still, I would never compare them to anime and I believe that would be unfair.
Do you guys feel the same?
it's totally unfair unless you are a hardcore romance drama fan
they have too many of those drama and they are very well known for it
I wouldn't want that at all
It's too much to even think about everything we have here in anime to a drama
White_Tiger said:
I never heard people comparing them before. But anyway.. i think K-Drama is better than romance anime

why is that lol?
but i haven't seen too many k drama of romance genre to know better. so i can't say much
@blackrose what do you think?
White_Tiger said:
I've watched few and it's really good lol
lol cool.
Blackrose said:
It doesn't make much difference to me. I compare everything lol
@naiwen might have something to say about this

i haven't seen naiwen for a while
i hope she is here and i miss her shojo anime threads