The shop is up!


Staff member
For all the OPF users,

The shop is up and now you can purchase various items for the roleplay.
The role play will begin in an hour or so. So, make sure to check the role playing section for further updates.

Thank you,

Yours OPF Staff.
Albert Newton said:
the shop is up..okay. but i dont have enough money to buy anything.. :P

That is not true :D
You can buy vegetables :D
And throw them at pirates :P

That suits pirates though :P
Albert Newton said:
the shop is up..okay. but i dont have enough money to buy anything.. :P
I can "lend" you some money :D
How about it?
Mansi14 said:
That is not true :D
You can buy vegetables :D
And throw them at pirates :P

That suits pirates though :P

We play fair unlike you pirates :D