The delay of Pok?mon's 23rd film


The coronavirus has put the new Pokemon film[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Pocket Monster[/font]

The problem, as I have already stated elsewhere, is that they are concentrating too much on the space-time continum and tear in continuity thingy.

They barely remember that its also meant for kids.
Maybe its a sign they should give up on the pokemon movies :P but yeah, everything is getting delayed, not really news at this point.
Demon_skeith said:
Maybe its a sign they should give up on the pokemon movies :P but yeah, everything is getting delayed, not really news at this point.

I agree too
Movies are way too repetitive and I don't think I would watch them, if this continues
Ace said:
i stopped watching pokemon ages ago now there are so many movies my god
it is like a never ending anime
you can never run out of pokemon movies and i gave up on it.