Telugu words.


Staff member
People use "Hello" as a greeting in Telugu these days. Still, that's not appropriate for many conversations.
Let's see..if I can explain this. Normally, we use "hello" as a greeting. It is used in various occasions like, when we meet someone for the first time or when we meet someone after a very long time, or when we pick up the phone..whatnot.

Now in Telugu, 
when we meet someone for the first time, we use "Namaskaram"(it's equal to greetings-a very formal word).
If we meet someone after a very long time or some considerable amount of time- we use "Bagunnara"(How are you-it's a formal word)
As for the phone- we use "Evarandi matladedhi"( Who am I talking to-formal speech...even though it doesn't really look formal in English).

As for the introduction like "My name is ..............."

We use "Na paru......."
Hope I didn't confuse you much everyone :D