Story, Art, Fan-service or Animation?


Well-known member
Title may be a bit vague but basically why do you watch a certain anime or read a certain manga?

Personally, if I find the "Art" amazing and the "Story" to be awful I'll still read it through.

But if it were the other way around an Amazing "Story" and awful "Art" I'll drop it

I don't care for Fan-service so I don't choose due to that, And as for what I mean by animation is: Are the scene's fluid or choppy.

Basically, I'll compare: Kingdom's Anime And Nisekoi.

Kingdom's Anime was an early version of 3D I count that as choppy/clunky but the story's amazing so I never watched it. But I've read and re-read the manga many times because the "Art" is stunning to me.

Nisekoi's Anime is very fluid adding some slideshow type animations but it matches with the anime, Adding on it has a great story. With how I explained I'd have just watched for its animation.
And its Manga has very stunning "Art" Adding a great "Story" Regardless I would have watched this anime.
(Note: I've also read and re-read nisekoi)

Mind you I'm more of A Manga person but I do enjoy watching the Anime's version from time to time.​
Bad or choppy CGI, too much fan service to make you roll your eyes. I'm willing to watch any anime so long as the story is very good or some really great action.
I give importance to story and art. I am not into good animation and fan-service is just annoying. 
I dislike fairy tail for the same reason
Story>Art>Animation. I don't like Fan-service. The only thing I really look for are characters, and dialogues, more than these. I don't even need an over-arching plot. That's why I'm able to enjoy slice of life anime too. And, of course, I also hate it when every thing is explained through narration and expository dialogues, instead of being shown, since anime is a visual medium. A good example of that would be Log Horizon season 2, which is a disgrace to season 1, in my opinion.
Story. If the story is good, than I would like to watch an anime. Boring stories with just art and characters wouldn't pull me
i like story too but i wouldn't say no to the animation. a crappy animation wouldn't make me like an anime. and i like fan service but not overly much and only when it's done right