Shonen disease


V.I.P. Member
Recently.. i read manga about vampires, Higanjima. At first this series looks promising, it's actually good, but as the story progressed it becomes.. bad, very bad, it becomes so generic, so shonen. This is dissapointing, a series with a good start then turns bad because infected by shonen disease, no.. i wont call it tropes or whatever, it's a disease

So what's happened?

PROMISE!! yes, this series main obsession, promise. I know keeping a promise is important but i doesnt mean the story must become stupid to teach the kids reader about how important a promise is. Example : the main character Akira made a promise to his friend Ken-chan to save him. But how are you gonna do that when you're just a godamn NORMAL HUMAN BEING without kamehameha, fire jutsu, hokuto shinken, shoryuken, hiten mitsurugi and must venture into a mansion full of vampires to fulfilled your promise?

I CAN'T FIGHT MY OWN BROTHER!! i mean.. when your brother is CONTROLLED by the bad guy and literally stabbing you with katana without hesitation and you're still being stupid to not doing anything? Just take down your brother dammit.. okay let's make hypotethical storyline without plot armor, your brother get controlled by a bad guy, you refuse to take him down, you're stabbed right into your chest and you die, the story end right here right now. See? The bad guy win, your brother under his control forever and you die, is this what you want?

I CAN'T KILL YOU!! YOU'RE MY FRIEND!! when your friends already dying infected by vampire virus. You know where this goes right? I don't feel i have the energies to talk about this..

WE WILL WAIT UNTIL MY BROTHER ARRIVES BEFORE WE ESCAPE THIS ISLAND!! bro.. your brother is falling from a GODAMN CLIFF, just escape from the vampire island with the remaining survivors, don't put them in more dangerous situation just because your brother made a promise to escape together from the island! Oh please.. you saw with your own eyes he's FALLING from a cliff

And yeah.. i'm still waiting for THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP to make an appearance

Seriously.. why is this things still used.. like, come on.. bring some new ideas. Okay i understand that "don't fix something that is not broken", well yea.. maybe i should really retired from anime and manga, time to read some DC comics lol

Oh one more thing.. this series is not even shonen, it's classified under seinen
lol that was so hilarious to read.
and so practical and logical too if you think about it. seriously people need to understand when to do and what to do before things get worse
lol that was so hilarious to read.
and so practical and logical too if you think about it. seriously people need to understand when to do and what to do before things get worse
Thing is.. this plot might works if the readers are 10 years old, but for people like me? It's just plain stupidity