Real life Anime Situations?


Well-known member
did you get to experience any such anime situations in your life?
if so feel free to tell them here lol. i am sure there are many real life anime situations for everyone.
CryingClown said:
Like finding dragon balls or accidentally found a death note?

lol like getting into trouble in some train
or something else lol and i am sure you must have knows some real life anime situations lol
Blackangel said:
lol like getting into trouble in some train
or something else lol and i am sure you must have knows some real life anime situations lol

Hm.. i don't remember the last time i shoot kamehameha to people
CryingClown said:
Hm.. i don't remember the last time i shoot kamehameha to people

lol and here i thought you would get me a serious answer lol
but there are many funny situations in real life that reminds us of some anime for sure.
I really can't think of any.
Not sure what these real life anime situations are anyway and I don't think I have come across anything like that.