One Piece episode 708 and 709 discussion...


Staff member
As with the past few episodes, not much happened in these two episodes......The only significant things that happened in 708 were that Luffy defeated the fake Doffy and Doffy heldLaw at gun point....And, in the episode 709, Bellamy was freed from Mingo's clutches, and he becomes messed up and decides to fight Luffy.......
I'd give 708 a score of 7/10 and 709 a score of 5/10.....
What's your opinion about these two episodes?
he tried to fight luffy?
that bellamy guy?
shit. he got a twisted personality.
MadaraUchiha said:
A dummy trying to regain his lost pride by having the last fight of his life......

i don't see any point of this battle anymore.
he is a pathetic fool at this point.
doffy was so much indebted to joker and it's not everyday that you find a dog betraying it's master, whaetever the reason is. so, i prefer the two episodes the way they are