The episode 704 of One Piece anime continues from the episode 703. Luffy is being simultaneously attacked by Doflamingo's clone and Bartolomeo, who is in turn controlled by Doflamingo. Then, it goes back to Law's flashback, in which Doflamingo starts suspecting that Corazon is a traitor, and Corazon tries to steal the Op-Op Devil fruit from Doflamingo in an attempt to save Law, and he is eventually injured and the episode ends in a cliff-hanger.
My opinion:
I'd say that the episode is faster than the past few episodes, and it did generate some kind of a thrill. The animation quality was kind of same as the previous episodes, as was the background music and the voice acting.
My rating: 8/10.
Your opinions regarding this episode?
The episode 704 of One Piece anime continues from the episode 703. Luffy is being simultaneously attacked by Doflamingo's clone and Bartolomeo, who is in turn controlled by Doflamingo. Then, it goes back to Law's flashback, in which Doflamingo starts suspecting that Corazon is a traitor, and Corazon tries to steal the Op-Op Devil fruit from Doflamingo in an attempt to save Law, and he is eventually injured and the episode ends in a cliff-hanger.
My opinion:
I'd say that the episode is faster than the past few episodes, and it did generate some kind of a thrill. The animation quality was kind of same as the previous episodes, as was the background music and the voice acting.
My rating: 8/10.
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