Old sports anime vs new sports anime


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I liked old sports anime better. Just completed watching kuroko no basket and it's not what I expected. I liked slam dunk better. Who likes old sports anime better than new sports anime?
I would think newer animes would be better as far as artwork and animation goes, but then again older animes do have more charm than current ones.
I am planning to watch some old anime over the next few years but not sports anime, don't know why. Have to finish Kuroko's basketball, Diamond no Ace, Ping Pong the Animation, Hajime no Ippo. 
Anyway, among older sports anime,  the only ones that are still remembered are probably Slam Dunk, Major, and Prince of Tennis. 
Among sports anime, I've already watched Haikyuu(which I loved), One Outs(loved this one too), and Yuri on Ice(which I thought was above average).

I haven't watched many notable anime and iI haven't watched haikyuu. Everyone talks a lot about it. I should have watched it before rating new sports anime.
Rika said:
I haven't watched many notable anime and iI haven't watched haikyuu. Everyone talks a lot about it. I should have watched it before rating new sports anime.

Even I can't say much about the genre given that I've only watched three anime from it, but Haikyuu is indeed incredible.