Name for each chapter


Staff member
Many anime including one piece have names for reach episode and chapter. Some anime don't have them.
Do you care for these names? Or would it better to just use numbers instead?
I don't mind anything. I don't particularly give much thoughts to them but having titles can be fun. It gives off hints about what shall happen in the episodes...
Like you see the title of the episode in the beginning but nothing related to that is seen until the episode is about to finish. That's how it works as a hint and I think there was a deal with the titles and story lines or some incidents in some anime. Like specific title had some hidden pattern. Not sure where I read about that...
Mansi14 said:
I don't mind anything. I don't particularly give much thoughts to them but having titles can be fun. It gives off hints about what shall happen in the episodes...
Like you see the title of the episode in the beginning but nothing related to that is seen until the episode is about to finish. That's how it works as a hint and I think there was a deal with the titles and story lines or some incidents in some anime. Like specific title had some hidden pattern. Not sure where I read about that...
i read many manga which have a name for each chapter. usually they keep track of the main story line like that and it's easy for the authors. i don't care for it much