Mahou Shoujo Ore episodes 1-2 discussion


Real hero hidden in the darkness
Staff member
Shaurya recommended it to me.
It's funny, great and bad. I don't have anything else to describe it. It's about a girl, who turns into a boy and becomes a magical ....err....girl and fight evil beings. Anyone watched this here?
it's bad and it's not for you.
too much fan service and girly squealing. you shouldn't watch everything others recommend clara and drop it
Blackangel said:
it's bad and it's not for you.
too much fan service and girly squealing. you shouldn't watch everything others recommend clara and drop it
Well, I did drop it.
She also said that it would get boring after those episodes.....
you shouldn't have picked it up, if you are going to drop it.
i don't know why you even watched these two episodes.