Laundry and climate


Staff member
It's kinda cloudy here.
I really wanted to do laundry today and now I will have to dry the clothes, indoor.

I really wish the climate wouldn't spoil my laundry plans too many times....this year
You can still hang them outside and the breeze would dry them.
Claraviolet is obsessed with hanging them outside these days. So we are making use of indoor clothes rack to dry them.
I guess driers aren’t common where you’re from?
Dryer is not at all a suitable option. Most of time, clothes we use have stones and such. Most of us don't use modern clothing all that much. Chudidar with stones is quite common here
Dryer is not at all a suitable option. Most of time, clothes we use have stones and such. Most of us don't use modern clothing all that much. Chudidar with stones is quite common here
That makes sense. I wasn’t sure if it was like Japan where energy bills were too high for a dryer.