Kaibutsu Oujo (Princess Resurrection)


I recoomend this anime for those who are seeking horror, comedy, and some out of this world creatures . It's about Hime, a Princess who found her abode on the Sasanaki village. She comes across with Hiro Hiyorimi, a student transferee in the same village, who saved her from the sudden death, which caused Hiro's death. Later that evening, he was granted the gift of immortality in exchange of his eternal service to Hime. He then later realized that he was entangled in the fight for the throne against Hime's siblings.

It has only 27 episodes, an old one, but in my point of view, this is worth watching.
Never heard of this anime. How do you rate it in a scale of 10?
Is the art that bad as it is an old anime and all?