Isekai vs magical realm anime


Real hero hidden in the darkness
Staff member
Not a game but an actual fantasy anime....what do you guys prefer?
I prefer the fantasy version. 
Isekai is good....but not that great.
Not really a big fan of either although I've enjoyed some of both but I feel like isekai has just been over done.
Risk said:
Not really a big fan of either although I've enjoyed some of both but I feel like isekai has just been over done. be honest, I believe elves, goblins, trolls, ghouls and such are
Never's just me I suppose.
I can understand elves but why goblins? Ghouks are gross except in Tokyo ghoul.
Even trolls like grotesque
i want to say isekai anime tops magical anime. it's all about skill and in magical anime, you might not have powers or things that you are familiar with.
i don't like magical creatures much