Instrumentals for all type of situations?


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So don't most of us wish that life came with background music all the time?
Well I found that this could be implemented with headphone, mobile and simply great playlist of instrumentals!

Instrumentals may seem boring at first, and to some they may never appeal but when you do get into it, you kind of feel all the emotions you can by the pitches and notes of the music. 

Ever since I started listening to them on recommendation of a friend, my interest in lyrical music has significantly decreased. They are of course great pieces of art too though! 

I am only new to this world of music but I wish to make a playlist of instrumentals for all kind of situations, like perhaps reading an action manga? Or going for a walk? Or just leisurely sitting around? 

I bet the impact of listening to instrumentals on me is remarkable ::D

My personal favorites are:
1. Ezio's family
2. My name is Lincoln -The island
3. True strength -John dreamer
4. Rue's whistle
5. Two steps from hell (Stranger of a thousand hell)
6. Whole Pirates of Caribbean soundtrack!! (Hans Zimmer  :sing: )

Naruto has really wonderful soundtrack too.
If you think naruto's sound trk is good...then you should listen to one piece sound track