I am back!


Real hero hidden in the darkness
Staff member
So,the great Clara-sama(aka Itachi-sama) is back!Now,I would like to make myself clear my dear users.I didn't want to write any rules because I believed you guys didn't need any.

But thanks to some users,I will have to do this.So,we are going to have some strict rules pretty soon.Make sure you follow them at all times.
Now,I would like to apologie for my inactivity.Still,thanks for taking care of OPF ,during my absence ,my dear users :D

We need some serious activity in here.This isn't the OPF I know :ohgod:
So,you guys are lost without me eh?  :blush:
So,from here on in let's post!
We are going to start recruiting soon.This time we need normal moderators too.Except for some basic information,we don't need anything.So,feel free to send in your applications :P

Before that make sure you can do the following things:

1.You will have to post atleast 5 posts daily(not in forum games section).
2.You will have to take care of OPF(who knows when I am going to return to my hibernating state).
3.You will have to give your real contact details(including email id).

We are going to officially announce this soon...so don't worry about the format and stuff.
Now,try to bring more people to OPF guys.As you can see, we can talk about almost anything in here.So,even though they are not into anime,they can still have a great time in here.

Later kids  ^^/

Yours dear old sweet(I am sweet..right? :P) granny.

oh....welcome back.... Old Bones... 

and hey ........."you're not sweet "..:smoke: ...bwahahaha...

and baka....u posted this just 31 min ago and u're offline... -_-" ....

and also this month's Exams month for most of the people so...

anyway ...welcome back ... >:(
how many are u gonna recruit ??
u already have so many and half of them don't show up here 
so either axe them or make them work

or all the members of the site will become mods or admins

Don't you think it's a good idea to fire those inactive mods?
Some sites have more mods than this site.
Demon_skeith said:
it's best to only have a few staff or all of them end up being lazy and not doing much.

six isn't a big number bro xD
NightBaron said:
Saber said:
NightBaron said:
axe them or make them work

or all the members of the site will become mods or admins

Don't you think it's a good idea to fire those inactive mods?
Some sites have more mods than this site.

"axe them" means to fire them

not everyone is as intelligent as you bro xD
go easy on that little girl xD