How mobile phone is connected to your daily life?


Active member
Mobile phones become the integral part of today's life... a few years back, mobile phones intended for calling and messaging..

This changed With the introduction of smart phones... Now mobile phones are like a mini computer.. both in terms of power and apps available...

What are your use of mobile phones other than calling and messaging.. ?
I would be pretty much lost without my phone. Literally my contact with the outside world would be pretty much eliminated lol.

Emails, texts, and calling are pretty much part of my daily routine. I think that's why I enjoy camping so much because usually there is no reception and I am forced to just focus myself and my basic needs!
My use of my mobile phone nowadays is for almost everything to be honest. I used to only really use it for Facebook, emails and messaging but now I tend to use it for emails, Facebook, Twitter, messaging, posting on forums (tapatalk) browsing certain web pages, news. Basically anything I do on a computer if I am away from it I know I can do on my phone :)
I'd be pretty much lost without mine, I use it for Twitter (multiple large accounts), Facebook, managing my forum, controlling my personal finances and paying bills. You could say my device is the most important thing I own.

They sure have evolved a lot since I was younger though.
I check my phone all the time.. Without it, I would not be able to communicate with local clients of mine.
Phones help you earn money. I also enjoy it because it has great apps/games including multiplayer soccer.
Hmmmm not sure. I'm pretty attached to my laptop moreso than my mobile. I like my smartphone because I can read the newspaper on the bus or check out maps etc I use it for useful things like a tool.
I don't use mobile phones much. More than that, I share a phone with my husband, because there is no need for me to have my own. I use skype for talking to my family and friends and emails or facebook for sending messages/letters/
I bearly use mobiles either, if someone wants me they can contact me online anytime with email since I'm usally by a PC.