In Hokuto no Ken series Hokuto Shinken and Nanto Seiken is two prominent martial artist that been around for 2000 years. One is Yin, one is Yang, this two style is total opposite of each other.
Hokuto Shinken is Yin, also known as fist of north star. It target enemy vital point and destroy them from within.
Nanto Seiken is Yang, also known as fist of south star. It teach to kill from outside, mostly by powerful stabbing technique and slicing enemy apart with air pressure.
But still, Hokuto Shinken and Nanto Seiken comes from the same root and it's forbidden for them to fight each other.
Which one is more interesting to you?
Hokuto Shinken is Yin, also known as fist of north star. It target enemy vital point and destroy them from within.
Nanto Seiken is Yang, also known as fist of south star. It teach to kill from outside, mostly by powerful stabbing technique and slicing enemy apart with air pressure.
But still, Hokuto Shinken and Nanto Seiken comes from the same root and it's forbidden for them to fight each other.
Which one is more interesting to you?