Hey, One Piece Forum!


Well-known member
Hey there,

I'm Redcap. A young, bright & talented webmaster. I'm not too much into anime so pardon me, this seems like a very good community and I hope to be getting to know people here better hopefully.
Redcap said:
Hey there,

I'm Redcap. A young, bright & talented webmaster. I'm not too much into anime so pardon me, this seems like a very good community and I hope to be getting to know people here better hopefully.

Hello Redcap!
Welcome to OPF :D
Welcome to OPF............Feel free to discuss about any anime, movies, books or games and, feel free to ask any query to a mod/admin...........Check out group promotions and role play-section............After checking the role play section out, join Shaurya's crew(Shaurya is an admin here), which I am a part of..................We are pirates, and you can join a pirate-crew for free, unlike a marine-crew ...............You can post your reply here: