hey everyone


New member
ok so , i am here in this Forum and as i am a fella who when visits a forum, he just like stands there and looks at the whole forum, keeps staring at it and comes to a conclusion that, He sucks at forums becasue of his cluelessness ... i am just a wandering soul around here, nevermind me if i bother you,
so anyway 
Hi everyone whats up
( ohh gosh i dont know what i am doing)

Welcome to OPF quandeel! We don't mind, if you evaluate us before beoming a part of us :D
?So how did you find our forum and are you an anime fan?
Welcome back, Qandeel............Feel free to discuss about any anime, movies, books or games and, feel free  to ask any query to a mod/admin...........Check out group promotions and role play-section............After checking the role play section out, join Shaurya's crew(Shaurya is an admin here), which I am a part of..................We are pirates, and you can join a pirate-crew for free, unlike a marine-crew ...............You can post your reply here:
