
welcome bro xD
it's a cool forum. i love it. stick with us and you will too
blackgetsuga12 said:
I'll probably stick around and stalk, then eat your face :P

gotta love that bro.
i am the cool troller of this forum xD
my name is sebastian bro x(
are you getting alerts my bro?
new members are complaining about not getting alerts xD
Hello.......Welcome to OPF............Feel free to discuss about any anime, movies, books or games and, feel free to ask any query to a mod/admin...........Check out group promotions and role play-section, and join our pirate crew, which you can do for free, unlike a marine crew..................You can post your reply here:

we are all really bad at greeting newbies xD
well, my bro don't freak out even though we are all weirdos and keep away from the scary lady @Mansi14 xD
Hello! :) Welcome to our OPF ;)
Hope to see you around :D

And Sebastain has been going around dropping rumors about me. Ignore that :cheers:

Sebastian said:
we are all really bad at greeting newbies xD
well, my bro don't freak out even though we are all weirdos and keep away from the scary lady @Mansi14 xD

:evilgrin: :evilgrin:
Who are you to take my glory, human?
I am new to this forum too.
Let's get along well, human and let me drink your blood in return.
So, shall we make a blood pact, human?