Guild mark


Well-known member
Which guild from fairy tail will you want to be in?
And where will you place the guild's mark?

I will of course want to be in fairy tail and place my mark on the back side of my palm..or on my shoulder :awesome:
Mansi14 said:
Which guild from fairy tail will you want to be in?
And where will you place the guild's mark?

I will of course want to be in fairy tail and place my mark on the back side of my palm..or on my shoulder :awesome:

Fairy Tail xD

and i would have it on my Big Chest xD
Mansi14 said:
place my mark on the back side of my palm..or on my shoulder :awesome:
oh...i want it to be like luci ..

i will have fairy tail mark and it will b on my right Cheek ...dkw ..
I will probably place it on my knuckles.
Fairy tail guild will be the best option for me.
I can if I like in a magical world.
I could probably cast a spell or two to numb the pain.