Are you bored with your username color? Is it just plain and normal?
Then here is your answer,we have group promotions from here on in!!!!!
We have 8 user group promotions.These groups will have different username colors.And everyone can see that you are a reputed member
Details of these 8 groups:
Brook's group requirements:
Post count:100
Reputation count:5
Time registered:10 days.
Franky's group requirements:
Post count:250
Reputation count:10
Time registered:30 days.(It's maroon (_ _) )
Robin's group requirements:
Post count:500
Reputation count:30
Time registered:60 days.
Chopper's group requirements:
Post count:750
Reputation count:50
Time registered:100 days.
Nami's group requirements:
Post count:1000
Reputation count:75
Time registered:130 days.
Sanji's group requirements:
Post count:2000
Reputation count:150
Time registered:200 days.
Usopp's group requirements:
Post count:3000
Reputation count:200
Time registered:250 days.
Zoro's group requirements:
Post count:5000
Reputation count:350
Time registered:300 days.
As you can see each username gives some special color.If you don't like these promotions,just don't meet the requirements. This system is automatic.You don't have to notify some admin when you meet all these requirements.You will get promoted automatically
Now,not only admins,but everyone can have a colored username that is different from the rest.
Hope you guys like these promotions

Edit:If you fulfill all the requirements,you will get promoted sooner or later.Otherwise just PM me or reply to this thread