Gandhi haters....?

Lord Sase

Well-known member
You could wonder by that title and ask me if I am a hater myself.. But nah. I just wanna know if anybody in this forum hates him and tell the reasons behind the hate.. I just wanna hear it out.. Drop by~. 

I have encountered Gandhi haters in my life.. Maybe that's why I really wanna know the haters perspective more.. Personally I think that I dont even have the rights to bad mouth a legend cause without him, one way or another, we wouldnt have got freedom.. You , me or any in this world presently cant unite huge masses of people and to make them follow your ideals which is "without using violence" and stand up against a great cause. The other freedom fighters also admired him..  He didnt have the neccesity to throw away his money being born as filthy rich, didnt have the necessity to participate in freedom struggle, didnt have the necessity to go jail countless times for nation's sake, didnt have the necessity to go on fasting for days, didnt have the neccesity to unite people from all classes and make them also fight against british.. One man.. Just one fucking man who did many more things like what I told above even though he coulda simply enjoyed his luxrious life giving no fucks to whatever happens to the slaves of british and eventually, he isnt even appreciated for the good he has done.. 

Gandhi Jayanthi regardless fellas.
Most Gandhi haters I've encountered are millenial edgelords and I don't pay attention to them.
I don't hate Gandhi.
MadaraUchiha said:
Most Gandhi haters I've encountered are millenial edgelords and I don't pay attention to them.
I don't hate Gandhi.

Hmm.. I see. Well, people always find reasons to defame somebody.. Its there everywhere, been existing since ages..
I don't hate Gandhi either. 
I don't like all the things that we had done but he was just another human being.
Hmm.....I don't hate Gandhi but I don't approve of some of his stuff. 
Well, I guess no one is perfect.

Whoa there.....
I get it but it's stupid and I don't want to get into caste discussion ...just like political discussions they are not encouraged in AMF ;_;
People do evil stuff but they don't want someone to point that stuff as evil :/
Typical human idiots. I don't badmouth Gandhi....but I don't worship him like many people around him. He is a leader and that is there is to it for me :D
Claraviolet said:
Whoa there.....
I get it but it's stupid and I don't want to get into caste discussion ...just like political discussions they are not encouraged in AMF ;_;
People do evil stuff but they don't want someone to point that stuff as evil :/
Typical human idiots. I don't badmouth Gandhi....but I don't worship him like many people around him. He is a leader and that is there is to it for me :D

Ayyy *pats* .. So, good to see you online.. :)
Sase said:
Ayyy *pats* .. So, good to see you online.. :)

Hehe....well, I am basically slacking off right now. I got stuff to do....and I hate doing house chores. I still have to clean the dishes and iron the clothes. ;_;
Claraviolet said:
Hehe....well, I am basically slacking off right now. I got stuff to do....and I hate doing house chores. I still have to clean the dishes and iron the clothes. ;_;

Kawai <3.. Sweet.. I dunno what else to say.
Sase said:
Kawai <3.. Sweet.. I dunno what else to say.

It's not. I am too tired from my office work and I am not getting much sleep. Hardly 5-6 hours a day ;_;
I wish I could sleep a lot like 8-10 hours a day *-*
Claraviolet said:
It's not. I am too tired from my office work and I am not getting much sleep. Hardly 5-6 hours a day ;_;
I wish I could sleep a lot like 8-10 hours a day *-*

Maybe You should.. Rest is essential..
Sase said:
Maybe You should.. Rest is essential..

Yeah but it is not possible ;_;
If I get a new in charge who can distribute the work evenly and can do work efficiently...I might get some peace though.
Claraviolet said:
Yeah but it is not possible ;_;
If I get a new in charge who can distribute the work evenly and can do work efficiently...I might get some peace though.

I feel bad for ya..