Favorite game series?

Do you have a favorite game series?

Mine would be Lunar. I adore that series. Have since I first played Lunar 2. I try to collect whatever I can find from it.
Maroon?Caludin said:
Do you have a favorite game series?

Mine would be Lunar. I adore that series. Have since I first played Lunar 2. I try to collect whatever I can find from it.

i have quite a few the legend of zelda and fable are currently fighting for #1
Mine would have to be the Halo series :) loved Halo 3 which has got to be by most favourite. I am torn though between the Halo series and Rainbow Six series as I played those a lot when they were released and can honestly say that both were my favourite but can't really give a most favourite.
Shortie861 said:
Mine would have to be the Halo series :) loved Halo 3 which has got to be by most favourite. I am torn though between the Halo series and Rainbow Six series as I played those a lot when they were released and can honestly say that both were my favourite but can't really give a most favourite.

gah i totally forgot about halo DX i have to say halo series is 4th on my list ;)
My favourite game series would definately have to be Grand Theft Auto as it's just such an amazing game. I mean with regards to GTA V, the graphics, gameplay and story is just too good and I don't think any game will ever beat it except GTA 6
I love the Starcraft series. The original Starcraft has been my favorite game for years, and Starcraft 2 is simply amazing. I also love the Mortal Kombat series.
I absolutely love the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise the most. Sonic the hedgehog was the very first video game I have ever played, and I love everything about the classic games. While most of his newer games were lackluster, I'm still a die hard fan and will continue to be a fan. I also love Mega Man, but unfortunately that franchise is basically dead at this point. :S I'm also a huge Pokemon fan and I'm definitely looking forward to nabbing Red, Blue, and Yellow off the eShop when they are released, even though I own working physical copies of each of those games. xD
I have a few favorite game series. The first one, The Sims, has been a favorite of mine for years. Honestly, I've not really played through an actual storyline with my characters and such. I pretty much just love to build houses and businesses and such. Another series that I love is the World of Warcraft series. I've been playing WOW since Vanilla and will likely continue to play for the rest of my life, or until I get bored of it. The third and last series I'm a fan of is the Need for Speed series. I loved customizing my cars and racing.
The FIFA series is the best and my favorite probably since I love football and I love to play sports and football games on my PS4, meh. :3