Evolution of Final Fantasy


Back in my days Final Fantasy is a big RPG title on par with Dragon Quest, i'm not sure about now because i've been away too long from console gaming.

This series is so good, i love Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, 9 and Tactics. By today's graphic standard those are junk, but in terms of story and gameplay i think.. they still can be compared, but then again i'm not really sure because i don't know how today's game actually like, but still.. i like to say they are still relevant even now.

Each series come with unique gameplay, deep story and good soundtrack but i'll give more credit to the story because back then Hironobu Sakaguchi the story teller still on Squaresoft. Enter Final Fantasy 10 everything begin to decline for me, sure graphic is lot better with PS2 platform but story quality decline a lot, no memorable events or characters, until released Final Fantasy 12 i was said 'This is not Final Fantasy'

Sure the game evolved but lost the soul, so the choice are go with the ride or leave it. Maybe it is me who can't adapt to changes but it's okay, i'm satisfied with classic series of Final Fantasy, that's the Final Fantasy i know and grow with

@Blackrose 24 one more
Poseidon said:
Back in my days Final Fantasy is a big RPG title on par with Dragon Quest, i'm not sure about now because i've been away too long from console gaming.

This series is so good, i love Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, 9 and Tactics. By today's graphic standard those are junk, but in terms of story and gameplay i think.. they still can be compared, but then again i'm not really sure because i don't know how today's game actually like, but still.. i like to say they are still relevant even now.

Each series come with unique gameplay, deep story and good soundtrack but i'll give more credit to the story because back then Hironobu Sakaguchi the story teller still on Squaresoft. Enter Final Fantasy 10 everything begin to decline for me, sure graphic is lot better with PS2 platform but story quality decline a lot, no memorable events or characters, until released Final Fantasy 12 i was said 'This is not Final Fantasy'

Sure the game evolved but lost the soul, so the choice are go with the ride or leave it. Maybe it is me who can't adapt to changes but it's okay, i'm satisfied with classic series of Final Fantasy, that's the Final Fantasy i know and grow with

@Blackrose 24 one more
I have only played Final Fantasy XV, it a totally new interface.
But i loved the story so much <3

It was really great how they have shown time jump in the end and it is so good and touching, gives the feels.
Everyone besides our main chara has grown old :(
So touching man.

Oh so little rose like to play game too

?ll?ll????h?h??????h???ll?ll? said:
I have only played Final Fantasy XV, it a totally new interface.
But i loved the story so much <3

It was really great how they have shown time jump in the end and it is so good and touching, gives the feels.
Everyone besides our main chara has grown old :(
So touching man.

They already did that in Final Fantasy 6, just one year time jump though so this new thing is a big renovation

What about the summon? Is Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit, Alexander, Ramuh and Leviathan still there?
Poseidon said:
Oh so little rose like to play game too

They already did that in Final Fantasy 6, just one year time jump though so this new thing is a big renovation

What about the summon? Is Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit, Alexander, Ramuh and Leviathan still there?

I did..probably still would if I got my hands on a console lol
I use to play ps3 days though lol
It has come a long way from being a one title on the NES. I enjoy 4, 6, 7, 9 and Dissida myself. Though all of them are pretty good up to about 11.
Demon_skeith said:
It has come a long way from being a one title on the NES. I enjoy 4, 6, 7, 9 and Dissida myself. Though all of them are pretty good up to about 11.

4 is about Cecil and Kain right? It was good but what i more remember about the game is it was very hard haha.. i literally skip all random encounter at last dungeon

About 8 i actually have mix feelings about it, story wide it's not as good as 7 or 9. For the gameplay i dislike the draw system but i fall in love with junction system and refining system haha.. oh yea the card game also addictive

11 is online right? I never had the chance to play it
Poseidon said:
4 is about Cecil and Kain right? It was good but what i more remember about the game is it was very hard haha.. i literally skip all random encounter at last dungeon

About 8 i actually have mix feelings about it, story wide it's not as good as 7 or 9. For the gameplay i dislike the draw system but i fall in love with junction system and refining system haha.. oh yea the card game also addictive

11 is online right? I never had the chance to play it

I felt 8 was a bit too love focus, plus time travel like stories always are hard to follow.

And yeah, 11 was the first online MMO. Couldn't play that, didn't finish 12 and I didn't enjoy 13 at all. I won't play 14 and one of these days I'll pick up 15.
Demon_skeith said:
I felt 8 was a bit too love focus, plus time travel like stories always are hard to follow.

And yeah, 11 was the first online MMO. Couldn't play that, didn't finish 12 and I didn't enjoy 13 at all. I won't play 14 and one of these days I'll pick up 15.

I was in the right age when i play 8 so.. haha.. kinda no problem