Donflamingo's rage


Staff member
For some reason it's always surprising to look at his rage. We can clearly see his veins and all :D
Also, his punches are too strong too.

I wonder how luffy will counter attack. I hope he takes help from his crew, for once.
What about you guys? What do you think?
Mansi14 said:
His two veins are always visible ne :O

He looks funny with that :hehehe:

Can't possibly deny that. But funny?
Are you sure you haven't misspelled the word " irritating"?
that's a hell lotta funny.
i was hoping i could see his vein burst...blop xd
Star_Of_Hope said:
I will leave the answer to your imagination, Kizaru :D
like i said, my imagination runs wild xD
are we down to playing with words now? xD
Kizaru said:
like i said, my imagination runs wild xD
are we down to playing with words now? xD

If you want a word play, I am all in :D

Also, I don't believe in daydreams as they are, what they are :D