Do your favorite types of characters differ by gender?


Well-known member
so what do you think about it?
based on the gender, will they differ? i think that's the way it is for me.
Less so that I enjoy male or female characters better, as that different types of characters I enjoy tend to be more bound to male or females. For a quick example, I can't immediately think of an anime with a female inventor / engineer type character (maybe Ascendance of a Bookworm's Mayne counts? I loved her).
Demon_skeith said:
I'm more prone to females, but I can enjoy male characters as well like Killer bee from Naruto.
that rap is very cool
HannahCN said:
Less so that I enjoy male or female characters better, as that different types of characters I enjoy tend to be more bound to male or females. For a quick example, I can't immediately think of an anime with a female inventor / engineer type character (maybe Ascendance of a Bookworm's Mayne counts? I loved her).

that's great.
and i am sure there aren't many bold and innovative female characters like that.