Do you take surveys related to anime?

What kind of surveys are you referring to man?
I haven't taken any surveys so far but I do vote for rankings in other websites
Same as nameless, I don't do surveys but I was doing this one poll that was voting for the most popular stuff of the season, I always saw it posted to reddit, pretty fun to keep up with I guess.
r/anime posts 3 polls/surveys every season: preview, mid-season and post-season.
Each will have polls about what you watch/put on-hold/finished/dropped depending on the poll, along with what you wanna score, etc. I participate if I'm in the mood but I'm more curious about the results, especially the age and gender segregation.
If you buy anime from funimation, in the dvd/blu-ray cases there is usually or at least used to be a survey card you could fill out and mail in. Now and then I would fill them out.
MadaraUchiha said:
r/anime posts 3 polls/surveys every season: preview, mid-season and post-season.
Each will have polls about what you watch/put on-hold/finished/dropped depending on the poll, along with what you wanna score, etc. I participate if I'm in the mood but I'm more curious about the results, especially the age and gender segregation.
Well, I suppose age matters too. I haven't considered surveys based on the age segregation
Demon_skeith said:
If you buy anime from funimation, in the dvd/blu-ray cases there is usually or at least used to be a survey card you could fill out and mail in. Now and then I would fill them out.

I see.
I didn't know that at all
i don't take them.
doesn't matter what others think. what i think of an anime or manga is more important to me than anything else
Poseidon said:
What survey? But whatever it is i usually avoid them
Surveys to determine the popularity of a character or an anime ratings man.
It's very common and every website for their own surveys too. You get those top ten characters using them
Lucifer said:
Surveys to determine the popularity of a character or an anime ratings man.
It's very common and every website for their own surveys too. You get those top ten characters using them

Oh.. well i never particular on it
I would want my characters in the top man.
Kaname is a badass and often overlooked. He deserves better than that