Do you get angry if people bashing series you like?


V.I.P. Member
Personally i'm okay if they crictics the series I like, but if they also attack the individual i can't tolerate that. Because.. telling 'that series is suck' and 'people who likes that series is suck' is totally different thing
Idk, not everybody has to like what you like, and everything has flaws or things that don’t appeal to everyone..

Your comments somehow reminds me about 'birds of feather flock together' haha.. well yes, one series sometimes have fewer fans than the other

Demon_skeith said:
I might mess with them a bit, but I respect their thoughts, not everyone is going to like the same things.

Haha.. mess a bit. That could be fun

Musicwise mostly but other things I have just made for opinions and stuff i found which turned out to be okayish