Do sad anime have to make you cry inorder to make you feel the emotion?


Staff member
That's not the case for me at all.
I often find anime sad because of some moments. What about you guys? Do you feel the same?
CryingClown said:
Not necessary, i never cried from anime but if the scene is sad then it's sad

gemxtria said:
I don't really cry at any shows anymore but i can feel sad and it makes the anime better

both of you watch wolf's rain
if you haven't already and it's the only anime that made me cry a lot.
Being sad over an anime and crying over one have almost nothing to do with each other. I'll just as easily cry over an anime that made me feel super happy. That being said, I'm a huge... 'sympathetic cryer', as I call it myself. If characters cry... I will as well. XD
HannahCN said:
Being sad over an anime and crying over one have almost nothing to do with each other. I'll just as easily cry over an anime that made me feel super happy. That being said, I'm a huge... 'sympathetic cryer', as I call it myself. If characters cry... I will as well. XD

that's cool
and you don't see many good emotional anime fans these days. people are getting used to everything.