Do longer series tend to be more well-liked than shorter series?


Staff member
I have been thinking about this.
A very short series of about 12 episodes or so can't give off much aura when compared to a long running series.
Do you guys agree to it?
I like shorter series, and it also gives a chance for series that would have never gotten a chance at an anime production get one.
Nope. It could be better than long running show, i prefer shorter one. How i see it.. long running show usually related to popularity which is not always related to quality, well after all.. i have different view about quality
Grungie said:
I like shorter series, and it also gives a chance for series that would have never gotten a chance at an anime production get one.
I see.
I feel that usually longer series can have a greater character development. I have witnessed that in twelve kingdoms anime
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Nope. It could be better than long running show, i prefer shorter one. How i see it.. long running show usually related to popularity which is not always related to quality, well after all.. i have different view about quality
I see
I do agree with that.
I've watched some very enjoyable short series, where as some very long series over stayed their welcome.
Star_Of_Hope said:
I see.
I feel that usually longer series can have a greater character development. I have witnessed that in twelve kingdoms anime
I see
I do agree with that.

Like Conan.. 900+ chapters so far, i actually get bored in the middle of the way haha.. i still follow it sometimes
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Like Conan.. 900+ chapters so far, i actually get bored in the middle of the way haha.. i still follow it sometimes

I see
I haven't been able to start that anime because of the episode count
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
I understand since you're already following another 900+ episodes anime haha..

Well, one piece had a very good start
I binge watched that anime for a few months and later it got repetitive
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Oh wow.. binge watching One Piece sounds like a hard work Haha..

For the first 300 episodes, it's been really good.
Now though, it's different. I wonder what Oda has in store for us
I watch mostly only short series, since I don't have the patience anymore for shows throwing a bunch of meandering bs toward me or taking forever to get to the point. Tell me a story, and make me enjoy it. That's all I want from you, anime shows.
HannahCN said:
I watch mostly only short series, since I don't have the patience anymore for shows throwing a bunch of meandering bs toward me or taking forever to get to the point. Tell me a story, and make me enjoy it. That's all I want from you, anime shows.

but don't you think 12 episode series, are too short for a good story?
i think so.