Did you board the One Punch Man Hype train yet?


Well-known member
So far I am fascinated by this anime, I was reluctant at first but after the first episode I was hooked. It's really a good anime and it was worth the wait and the hyped out fan base that was eggarly waiting for the release.
W So are you guys on the hype train? :D
Haven't watched it yet, but I've seen gifs of it on several sites and forums. It seems to be quite popular.
It looks to me like it just tries to be a parody of other anime series... A sort of Deadpool of the anime genre...
alakazam said:
It looks to me like it just tries to be a parody of other anime series... A sort of Deadpool of the anime genre...

It's a comedy and its a superhero story; they can't help having lots of similarities with other shows. and they do have bit of referential humor. But it is mostly an independent story.
I was so anti-one-punch man at first when I heard of it. It looked stupid(from his face) and I thought the plot was dumb.

I was bored last week and needed an anime to watch and I was like "What the hell? I've seen worse." So I finally decided to watch the first episode.

I was meh most of it but when he fought the fish thing at the end and the sarcasm of Saitama, I was hooked. More importantly, Genos made me fall in love with him so I watch this anime simply for Genos and I love the extremely muscular but flamboytantly gay hero lmao. As well as a few others.

My only con is that Saitama is OP as crap and while I know its title, it makes the anime less interesting
Shole said:
So far I am fascinated by this anime, I was reluctant at first but after the first episode I was hooked. It's really a good anime and it was worth the wait and the hyped out fan base that was eggarly waiting for the release.
W So are you guys on the hype train? :D

I usually don't care about what the others think but, most of people say that "One Punch Man" is not that super anime as someone wants us to believe!
I'm scared to see a stupid anime and just waste my precious free time instead of watching better animes.
Daexto95 said:
I usually don't care about what the others think but, most of people say that "One Punch Man" is not that super anime as someone wants us to believe!
I'm scared to see a stupid anime and just waste my precious free time instead of watching better animes.

you wouldn't say it if you watch it. it's going to get a new season soon and everyone likes it. i watched it and i am good for another season too. try watching it