Claymore anime

Is anyone here familiar with Claymore?

Pretty awesome show. I really like Clair, Galatea and Teresa of the Faint Smile.

My favorite villains would have to be Dark Alicia, Riful of the West, and Priscilla

Great story, awesome characters. It really shows woman anime characters in a stronger perspective.




I really liked Dark Alicia or Alicia the Black and her twin sister in the manga. It was awesome how her identical twin, Beth could awaken, yet Dark Alicia could control her with her mind and turn her back from her abyssal form. The only weakness to this is if the enemy attacks Alicia instead throwing off her concentration, but even this method is hard to do since Alicia is ranked #1 and the highest class. She barely shows any emotion.

Been awhile since I watched it, the anime was alright and I glanced at the manga at times. It had a good idea that didn't seem to become as popular as it should.
Demon_skeith said:
Been awhile since I watched it, the anime was alright and I glanced at the manga at times. It had a good idea that didn't seem to become as popular as it should.

Well, I think anime and video games have competitor's and this one was a great series, but not good enough.

?In my humble opinion, I feel that my definition of that series is this:
It was a great series, better than the most popular series out there, but was largely neglected.
Seems like a interesting anime :D I will be adding it to my plan to watch list. I looked at some scenes of it on youtube and I think it will be something I enjoy watching :D
I like claymore.
Bu the nudity is too much in this series.
Even so, it's good.
Been a long while since I've watched it, overall it was pretty good but I know the anime didn't cover the entire manga series.
i watched it not too long time ago. i loved it and it has these strong vibes. all the females are so fucking beautiful and even that yoma who got human appearance are beautiful