Well-known member
aka Miniskirt Space Pirates.
I picked this series up sometime ago. I really wasn't sure what I was getting since I never heard of it but I'm glad I got it as the series was really great, specially in visuals, music, characters and some nice plot twists.
It focuses on a schoolgirl who learns her family are space pirates and with the death of her dad is given the opportunity to become the captain of her dad's space craft which leads to all kind of crazy adventures, that never really get all that serious.
I know you guys are thinking, this must be a strong fan service anime? Well it isn't, not a hint of fan service in the anime outside of strong focus on uniforms (which if you are a cosplay lover you would like this aspect of the anime.)
If you guys are looking for a interesting anime series, I would recommend this.
There is also a movie called Bodacious Space Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace, which continues the anime story line is just as great, I also recommend watching it.