Between Kekkaishi and Suikoden 3


I see similarity between Kekkaishi and Suikoden 3. For your info, Suikoden 3 is an RPG game released by Konami for PlayStation 2. This game is unique because it's the first time they use 3D render for their graphic, and for the gameplay this game also the only one that use trinity system, which is using multiple point of views in one main story.

So what is the similarity?
It's the Masamura siblings, Yoshimori and Masamori. In my opinion the main story of Kekkaishi can be divide in two, the goal and the threat. This part is shared between those two, the main protagonist Yoshimori took the goal path and Masamori the support protagonist took the threat part. 

Each part of story progress and reveal more development as each siblings do their stuff, pretty much same like the trinity system that used on Suikoden 3. I find that this kind of script writing is interesting because usually the main protagonist took all the spotlight. I know that this is unusual and unpopular, because anime is not like that, focusing on main protagonist is basic formula for anime, but giving support protagonist more importance on overall story could also be good
I have watched Kekkaishi but have not played Suikoden 3 regretfully, so I can't say if they are similar or not.
Demon_skeith said:
I have watched Kekkaishi but have not played Suikoden 3 regretfully, so I can't say if they are similar or not.

There are two roles in Kekkaishi, Yoshimori is focusing on activities at Karasumori and Masamori is.. i think that he's the one who make the story progress by meeting some characters and revealing some mysteries

Sase said:
Nope.. I have not played this game actually

Yoshimori storyline focusing on Karasumori and Masamori is the one who make the whole story progressed, Suikoden 3 work that way too, there are 3 main heroes that building the whole storyline