Best and worst anime of summer 2018 according to ANN


Real hero hidden in the darkness
Staff member
Well, GeGeGe no Kitarō  is the best anime. I have never of that anime till now. Guess I should give it a try as it grabbed the best anime title just like that. Looks like there is a runner-up too, Phantom of the twillight. 
It's something I have heard of...but I don't remember much about it.
Hmm....and the worst anime is Holmes of kyoto.
You are supposed to post the link for stuff like this.
And this season was absolute dogshit anyway so I couldn't care less. Spring, and especially Winter were so much better.
I'm getting a crazy amount of recommendations from my friends for summer, so I'm going to kick it off with overlord season 3 and go from there.
MadaraUchiha said:
You are supposed to post the link for stuff like this.
And this season was absolute dogshit anyway so I couldn't care less. Spring, and especially Winter were so much better.
:hmpf: well you could always Google those names kiddo. :P
Hmm... Well spring does have some very interesting anime