Average posts per day - 80


Staff member
Great job everyone.
I haven't noticed it until now and keep up the good work. I am glad to see the activity here
I see
I haven't noticed any thread related to average increase. Well, great job everyone. Keep up the good work
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
But you need massive number of active member to reach it

I agree
Hopefully we could get there on 10 years or so. We plan to run MAF, a very long time after all :D
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Really?? We still exist on 2030??

Yes. Clara plans to run this site for a very long time.
Is that so surprising? She is maintaining the site with her own money.
[quote="White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain" pid='202233' dateline='1591435604']

I don't know.. i read about she's going to close the site in an old thread

She tried that before
But she likes it a lot and couldn't go through with it. So she is going to run it for a very long time from now.
Star_Of_Hope said:
She tried that before
But she likes it a lot and couldn't go through with it. So she is going to run it for a very long time from now.

Well.. glad she decide to run MAF for long time
White_Tiger_Of_Lunar_Mountain said:
Why? Because of the cost to maintain the forum?

That's right.
It is a little expensive to maintain a forum and two domains. I hope you know that, you could access this site using MyAnimeForum.com and myanimeforum.net too.