Average post count - 82

That's great
I haven't even realized this Blackangel. It's really a great milestone and I am really happy with the activity
isn't it a nice change?
and for once i am so happy about this and i feel like i am talking to others more now
That's good to know
Only by interacting with others, we can create genuine activity and I am glad to see that, nowadays
I am not sure
We will have to find a way to make people talk and we can't really do anything else apart from that :D
i got what you are saying star
but i am just trying to understand how to make people talk. they usually wouldn't want to post unless they are tagged
Well, try making more interesting generic threads.
Usually that does the trick and hopefully people will try to generate more activity then
that's easy for you to post
i don't think i can post very interesting topics like you and i have been trying to do just that
Well, it's not easy for me either
All you have to do is think a little and try to come up with generic threads content
i will try a lot more
my mind isn't what it used to be and i can't really get much information now apart from bl
that's good to know star
i am really so happy for everything and thank you so much for coming by and talking to me
It's a pleasure to be here.
I don't usually mind hanging around here. I will try to be here more to post more threads
that's great star
everyone is talking about how good your threads are and they can generate a lot of activity
I see.
You are exaggerating. I don't think they are too good but I do get replies. That's all that matters to me.
that's good to know star
you have been working so hard all the time and of course you need to do this because you are a staff member
I do agree with that
I will have to resume watching Flying witch anime. I have watched the sixth episode as of yet
that's cool star
can you please be here when you get time today. we need only 48 posts but that doesn't look easy to get