Automatic reputation for every 30 posts


Staff member
You will be given a reputation point for every 30 posts you make. Even though most of you prefer likes, reputation is what makes a forum unique. In order to encourage people to give reputation to others and also to get more new and exciting posts, we have installed a plugin.
This plugin automatically gives one reputation point for every 30 posts you make.

Thank you,

Yours AMF staff
is this true?
can i get some reputation points too?
no one is noticing this butler to give enough reputation x(
Star_Of_Hope said:
You will be given a reputation point for every 30 posts you make. Even though most of you prefer likes, reputation is what makes a forum unique. In order to encourage people to give reputation to others and also to get more new and exciting posts, we have installed a plugin.
This plugin automatically gives one reputation point for every 30 posts you make.

Thank you,

Yours AMF staff

Yes but some people do not "rate" posts very much from what I've seen and with the 30 posts people will want to post more if they wish to have a reputation i think this is a good idea.
MyBB's reputation system is not very user-friendly in comparison to that of other forum scripts.
Elvis said:
MyBB's reputation system is not very user-friendly in comparison to that of other forum scripts.

The forum is small and it doesn't need other forum scripts.
Mybb is the best free forum script.

peeps ignore me bro and 0 rep is heart breaking x(
i think this is cool. i don't make good posts like you peeps.
Robin said:
The forum is small and it doesn't need other forum scripts.
Mybb is the best free forum script.

A community with over 30,000 posts can't really be called small... I mean, in comparison to what? There are forums that still struggle to get 10,000 in their first year...
At first I skipped this thread because honestly my train of thought was: Doesn't this function kind of cancels the whole point? Reputation is obtained because people found your post or persona likeable and useful. Automating it means that people with most posts will get more reputation, tying back to the post count something that was supposed to be an unrelated tool to help you visualize better people's standing in the community regardless of their post amount.

However seeing in action and having read Sebastian's comment, I can see how it can help to lift the spirits. People like getting recognition of r their efforts and in a way it is "staff given" reputation as a thanks for our activity. I imagine it also serves as an incentive to post more in the community.
Kaynil said:
At first I skipped this thread because honestly my train of thought was: Doesn't this function kind of cancels the whole point? Reputation is obtained because people found your post or persona likeable and useful. Automating it means that people with most posts will get more reputation, tying back to the post count something that was supposed to be an unrelated tool to help you visualize better people's standing in the community regardless of their post amount.

However seeing in action and having read Sebastian's comment, I can see how it can help to lift the spirits. People like getting recognition of r their efforts and in a way it "staff given" reputation as a thanks for our activity. I imagine it also serves as an incentive to post more in the community.

thank you for that my lady xD
peeps don't like my posts and it's just sad x(
i want myself to be recognized by everyone xD
Elvis said:
A community with over 30,000 posts can't really be called small... I mean, in comparison to what? There are forums that still struggle to get 10,000 in their first year...

It is small.
I have been watching it but not once have we met the daily posts goal.

Many people disappear and they drop by when they feel like it.