Apples recent IOS update


Well-known member
Many people don't know this, but in one of the recent IOS updates Apple made a pretty big change. They encrypted the software so that Law enforcement or hackers could not tell what you did on your phone, unless they took the phone itself from you. This is rather big news in places like the US where government spying has been a big discussion point the last year or so. What are your guys thoughts on this?
I haven't used iOS in my life so can't comment much about it, but i love their OS.
well... it maybe helpful in securing privacy issues .... but i think its .. mostly troublesome .. as the activities of terrorists or any extremists can no longer be tracked..
C1REX said:
No difference for me.
So what if somebody knows what websites I check?

Have you ever been on the hub? Haha all jokes aside, some people don't like being eavesdropped on no matter if they are doing something wrong or not, it's based off of principle I assume. Like you don't like your parents checking up on you all the time if you were to hang out with friends. (Assuming you don't like that, just making an example)
I believe it comes with age.
Every year and I'm getting better at "I don't give a damn" :)

Computers can still be hacked. IP can be checked. Browser history can be checked.
However it's a nice touch that somebody wants to protect our privacy :)
C1REX said:
I believe it comes with age.
Every year and I'm getting better at "I don't give a damn" :)

Computers can still be hacked. IP can be checked. Browser history can be checked.
However it's a nice touch that somebody wants to protect our privacy :)

I totally agree with this.
I'm sorry but no way is that true. People will still be able to track your phone is those in power want it to be done.